A US study found parents eat the equivalent of almost a pepperoni pizza of saturated fat each week. 据英国《镜报》12月30日报道,美国科研人员研究显示,与孩子共同生活的父母平均每周吃进肚里的饱和脂肪数量相当于一个辣香肠比萨饼内的含量。
When a starving vegetarian eats a pepperoni pizza, that is what is called situational irony. 要是某个饿得不行的素食者忍不住吃了块香肠披萨,那就叫情境反讽。
A new Columbia University study found that people are more likely to crave junky food, like pepperoni pizza, cake, and cheeseburgers, on four hours of sleep than they are on eight hours. 哥伦比亚大学新的研究表明,和那些每天睡眠8小时的人相比,那些只睡4小时的更喜欢吃垃圾食品,比如意式辣肠披萨,蛋糕,芝士汉堡等。
I often grab a piece of pepperoni pizza and watch a thriller movie in the basement with my friends. 拿一块辣香肠比萨饼,和我的朋友一起在地下室看恐怖片。
I will remember that a warm pepperoni pizza is not a good place for a nap! 我要记住热乎乎的香肠披萨不是打盹的好地方!